Rebels, rule followers and raiders
There’s a pivotal scene at the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark – Harrison Ford’s dreamboat Indy tells Marion if they keep their eyes closed they won’t die, but if they open them the evil spirit of the Ark seeps in.
Diligent Maura – I got this, and trust everything Indy says.
Rebellious Maura – Indy told me I HAD to keep them closed so I MUST open them! Bring it death! (I still love you Indy!)
End scene. (And possibly Maura.)
Veggies & Vodka was subconsciously born from my rebellient nature.
It’s my new, favorite (made-up) word.
Rebellient defines my rule-following diligent self colliding with my intense desire to rebel and do exactly what someone tells me not to do.
For example: starting a wellness blog that has “vodka” in the title.
Or eating dark chocolate for breakfast. Because I can. (But also after a green smoothie.)
Or when a doc tells me to take ibuprofen for even the slightest pain and I can’t help but question it. (Isn’t my body trying to tell me something that I should listen to? Maybe I should heal the inflammation by removing something from diet or by taking anti-inflammatory supplements like turmeric, ginger, quercetin, etc instead of masking the signals.)
Why do I sometimes feel the need to question what’s being asked or consider exploring something different and unexpected?
But other times I want to follow the rules to a T, fit in and not stand out too much. (I think my red hair had other plans.)
It’s as if the more someone pressures me to do something a certain way, the more I feel my body pulling away and plotting an escape.
Maybe I’m just too curious and can’t help but ponder alternate routes? Or am I suffering from serious FOMO?
It’s definitely why I’m better off working for myself.
I’m both extremely organized and diligent, and rebellious enough to operate successfully on my own.
This internal debate arose while I was simmering on all the great conversations we had in the first weekend of my 200-hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training.
In one convo, we dove into the meaning of the Yin Yang symbol and how something can exist in harmony with its opposite.
The symbol illustrates that there’s always a little of one in the other – there’s a white dot in the black, and a black dot in the white — it’s never all black or white.
In yoga, there are yin practices (less active poses with longer holds and deep breathing) and yang practices (poses with more flow and movement that are more active).
Within yoga and so many aspects of life, the contradictions of two things help define and influence each opposing side – and bring balance to both entities.
That’s where I started wondering if my rebel side helps keep my diligence in check – and makes sure I’m still living life on my terms, with a sense of control, autonomy and imaginative exploration.
Or maybe, I should finally put my 15-year-old dormant motorcycle license to use and go buy a bunch of leather.
Cover my pale skin in tattoos and take to the open roads…
Be the epitome of a true rebel and stop trying to be diligent…
Just totally let go of all responsibility and obligation…
Focus solely on pleasing myself and not give a dang about any hurt feelings or repercussions…
…Nope, sorry, even writing that my diligent, considerate self is like WTF!?
So here’s where I land –
You get to decide what balance is right for YOU. And embrace letting all the parts of yourself live in harmony.
Let the diligent side keep the rebel in check, and let the rebel keep the diligent one from getting too predictable.
As much as my diligent self may want to suppress the rebel, I think there’s a lot to learn from that chocolate-for-breakfast rule breaker.
Can you relate to this rebellient concept? Or, what are the two sides of you that balance each other out? Let’s chat it out in the comments.