How I decipher food packaging and labels
About once a week, I get to go to my happy place – the grocery store. I know… many people dread the task. But if I have time, I spend way too long browsing the aisles.
I’m tired of fighting
Some days are shit. Some days I wish I didn’t have awareness of my health, my wellbeing, or my physical body. Some days I wish I could be less in-tune – ignore all the signs, and go about life as if none of it mattered. Be blind to the blindspots.
No booze today
I don’t feel like drinking today. I don’t feel like drinking most days. But especially not today. Not because I’m hungover. Not because I’m toxic from too many drinks in recent days. Not because I’m going sober. (Maybe one day, but my escapades with beverages aren’t over yet.)
My “not normal” stomach pain
The fetal position had become my go to. In my early 20s, everyday after work I’d find myself curled on the couch, gripping my stomach as the stabbing pains took over my core.